Swiss Dental Experts has a highly qualified team of dentists. Our specialists excel not just in their professional skills, but also in their approachability and deep sense of responsibility towards every client. Their professional attitude, knowledge and skills are the reason why patients from Latvia and abroad visit us.

The clinic’s specialists regularly update their theoretical knowledge and skills by attending prestigious industry conferences and training courses around the world. Continuous training in the latest diagnostic and treatment methods enables us to provide our patients with excellent quality dental services.

Dentists and specialists

Dr. Larisa Hristoļubova

Certified Dentist

Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Riga Stradiņš University, specialising in general dentistry.

She completed postgraduate studies at Riga Stradiņš University, specialising in periodontology. She continues to improve her knowledge by regularly attending seminars and conferences in Latvia and abroad.

Specialisation: Therapeutic dentistry, dental aesthetic restoration, and prosthetics.

Dr. Antra Šuksta

Certified Dentist

Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Riga Stradiņš University, specialising in general dentistry.

She completed postgraduate studies at Riga Stradiņš University, specialising in periodontology. And continues to improve her knowledge by regularly attending seminars and conferences in Latvia and abroad.

Specialisation: General Dentist, Periodontist

Dr. Inese Neiberga – Puķīte

Certified Endodontist

Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Stradiņš University and completed postgraduate studies in endodontics.

Specialisation: Endodontics

Dr. Inta Zepa

Certified Orthodontist

Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Latvian Medical Academy.

Completed studies at the Royal Swedish Institute. Internship in Sweden.

Specialization: Orthodontics

Dr. Irina Aņičkova

Certified Dentist

She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the Latvian Medical Academy in 1993.

Gained experience through fellowships at the American Academy of Dentistry, Tel Aviv University, Geneva Education Centre in Switzerland, Amann Girrbach in Austria and other countries. She regularly attends advanced training courses in Latvia and abroad.

Specialisation: Therapeutic dentistry, dental aesthetic restoration, and prosthetics.

Dr. Svetlana Sotņikova

Certified Dentist

Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Dentistry.

She has studied aesthetic and functional dentistry with world-renowned dentists such as Mauro Fradeani, Bernard Touati, Alexander Baburov, Rodrigo Castillo and others. She continues to improve her knowledge by regularly attending seminars and conferences in Latvia and abroad.

Specialisation: Therapeutic dentistry, dental aesthetic restoration, and prosthetics.

Dr. Ingus Arnolds Apse

Certified Doctor (MD), Dentist (DDS), Resident of the Department of Oral, Facial, and Maxillofacial Surgery

Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University, obtaining both a Dentist (DDS) and Doctor (MD) degree.

Graduated from the Riga Stradiņš University Faculty of Dentistry in 2022. Continues to enhance his knowledge by regularly attending seminars both in Latvia and abroad. Member of the European Association for Osseointegration and the European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgeons IR member.

Specialisation: Surgery

Dr. Ņikita Šavels

Certified Dentist

Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2023. Continuously enriches his knowledge by regularly attending seminars.  

Specialisation: Therapeutic dentistry, dental aesthetic restoration, and prosthetics.

Dr. Jevgenijs Kiliarskis

Certified doctor, orthopedic surgeon.

Dr. J.Kiliarskis is a surgeon and prosthetist from Ukraine.
Graduated from Kharkiv National Medical University in 2005-2010.
Acquired knowledge by participating in courses in implantology, orthopedic stomatology, tooth restoration, plastic surgery and prosthetics.
Continues to improve his knowledge by attending seminars and courses both in Latvia and abroad.

Specialization: surgery, orthopedics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, aesthetic orthopedics.

Dental hygienists

Egija Kalniņa

Certified Dental Hygiene Specialist

Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University School of Dental Hygiene.

Training: professional clinical teeth whitening with ZOOM (Finland, 2005),

2012 LZHA “Pride of Riga Dental Hygienists” award winner

Specialisation: professional dental hygiene, teeth whitening, ZOOM whitening

Baiba Dzanuška

Certified Dental Hygiene Specialist

Certificate in Vocational Basic Teacher Education at RTU Institute of Humanities.

Diploma and professional qualification of dental hygienist at the Latvian Medical Academy.

Diploma and professional qualification of dental nurse at Riga 1st Medical School.

Specialisation: professional dental hygiene for adults and children, teeth whitening

Evelīna Korzenkova

Certified Dental Hygiene Specialist

Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University School of Dental Hygiene.

Diploma and professional qualification of dental nurse at Riga 1st Medical School.

Specialisation: professional dental hygiene for adults and children

Paula Samedova

Certified Dental Hygiene Specialist

Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University as a dental hygienist.

Graduated from Stradiņš University College of Medicine and Social Care, specialising in nursing.

Specialisation: professional dental hygienist, teeth whitening with ZOOM and Prevdent.

Dental nurses and assistants

Vineta Skripa


Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia.

Graduated from Riga 1st Medical College with a diploma of dental assistant.

Aija Dementjeva


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